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YouMustRead: TOP-7 books about running that you simply must read


Running for amateurs or weathered professionals is always filled with the euphoria of personal records and bitterness of losses. Of course, it is important to control your heart rate, feel the tension of your muscles, control your body, and it requires a lot of time and effort. However, on this thorny path to victory it is important to remember that physical workouts should be supported with inspiring literature and motivational meetings. Any kind of growth or development takes time. Besides, if you have already started your preparation for the 9th Wizz Air Kyiv City Marathon, which is to take place on October 7 in Kyiv, or if you plan to run a different race, we have created a special selection of “running” books just for you. We will tell you about the most inspiring and exciting books any runner should read.


Mari Karachina, “Never stop”

ABOUT: Speaking about books by foreign authors, we couldn’t miss the book by Mari Karaccina – world marathon and half marathon runner, fitness coach and a bronze winner of the Wizz Air Kyiv City Marathon in 2015. It is important to note that this is the first book on running from a Ukrainian author. Mari is convinced that running is a lot more than just a sport. It’s means of organizing your goals, training your willpower, hardening your spirit and getting to your goal no matter what. In her book Mari describes her races and shares advice on what is the best way to prepare for them. The readers say that you can read this book in one day in one breath

FOR: for a wide range of readers, those looking for a motivation push and who value author’s practical experience, not just theoretical ideas.


Christopher McDougall, “Born to run. Getting to limitless possibilities”.

ABOUT: In this book the journalist shares an incredible story about how he managed to discover the mystery of healthy and long running without trauma. As the author sets to revive the art of running, he goes to North America to the tribe of Tarahumara Indians whose members go through 80-kilometer marathons without any rest.

FOR: The book will be interesting not just for amateur athletes, psychologists and adventurers, but will also motivate for new sports records.


Haruki Murakami, “What I Talk About When I Talk About Running”

ABOUT: Creation of the most famous contemporary author of Japanese literature. As Murakami himself says, “this is a collection of sketches about running, but not a manual on the secrets of a healthy lifestyle.” The author in his unique style shares with the readers his personal feelings and experiences about the courses he finished.

FOR: The book will be interesting not just for the fans of Haruki Murakami, but also for those who want to get fit, but keep finding excuses for their laziness.


Arthur Lydiard and Garth Gilmour “Run, the Lydiard Way”

ABOUT: The authors tell about the proper way to jog to keep and increase your health. From this book you will learn: why and how to run, how to slow down the aging process, what training programs exist and the rules for proper nutrition. Also the author will immerse you in the story of the inception of this sport.

FOR: The book will be interesting for those who want to remain fit and healthy no matter the age.


Scott Jurek, “Eat & Run”

ABOUT: The author of the book is an American ultra-marathon runner, one of the most titled ultra-marathoners in the world. No doubt, his opinion can be trusted, because he practices running, not only creates theories about it. In his book the author describes his childhood, his growing interest in sports, his family life and how it influenced his future career. Also Jurek shares about the changes in his eating habits and how he finally transitioned from being a meat-eater to being a vegan. In the end of each chapter the author shares one of his favorite vegan recipes.

FOR: The book will be interesting to those involved in long-distance running, those who want to find out what moves the “ultra-people” who run hundreds of kilometers in incredible conditions. And also for those who love unusual healthy food.


Jack Daniels, “Daniels’ Running Formula”

ABOUT: If you were looking for a book with research on the results of the world’s best runners and the practical experience of one of the best coaches in the US, then this edition is for you. The author relies on many years of practical experience, shares the secrets of structuring a training process, how to avoid injuries and improve their results. The book is  also valuable because it contains training programs for different distances and levels of preparation.

FOR: The book will be interesting for both amateurs and professional runners.


Travis Macy and John Hanc “The Ultra Mindset: An Endurance Champion’s 8 Core Principles for Success in Business, Sports, and Life”

ABOUT: Professional ultra-marathon runner shares his experience in enduring ultra-heavy loads and how you can use it in everyday life. The author himself has participated in over 100 races and won the incredible many-day competition Leadman. It is a series of running and bike races taking place at high altitude that end with 100 miles on a bike and a trail ultra-marathon on the same distance.

FOR: The book will be interesting for those who would like to try themselves in ultra-marathon running, are interested in endurance methods and techniques for ultra-long distances.


Every book you read, every training session you come to, every finish line of a marathon course is a result of daily efforts, sweat and blood. Achieving a goal is our life-long goal, and it is up to you to decide whether it will be a long-term or a short-term one. When you achieve one goal, you move on to another. We are very optimistic about this fall and are getting ready for the 9th Wizz Air Kyiv City Marathon, where thousands of runners will compete with others and themselves for a chance to get on the pedestal and set new personal records.